M. Kobayashi, T. Washio, R. Nakagawa, H. Kimoto, T. Ohashi, M. Saijo.,
“Diversification of agricultural business management: triggers and issues for Japanese dairy farmers”, 11th Business & Management Conference, Book of Abstracts of the 11th Business & Management Conference, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (IISES), pp. 19-20, Jan. 2020.
T. Washio, T. Ohashi, M. Saijo.,
“Consumers’ Willingness to Purchase High Animal-Welfare Beef Products in Japan: Exploratory Research Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior”, 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management,Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management,Sep. 2019.
T. Washio, M. Saijo, H. Ito, K. Takeda, T. Ohashi.,
“Development of a theoretical model to explain consumers’ willingness to purchase animal welfare products in Japan”, 53rd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE2019),Proceedings of the 53rd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE2019),p. 305,Aug. 2019.
T. Ohashi, A. Laosunthara, T. Washio, A. Yun, J. Punwaree, J. Tang, N. Leelawat, M. Saijo.,
“Diffusion of IoRT innovation in dairy farming: Fieldwork experiences in Thailand”, International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2019 Full-day Workshop,May. 2019.
N. Kobayashi, T. Iwasaki, Y. Ito, A-L. Lindborg, T. Ohashi, M. Saijo,
“Detection of Failed Attempts and Suggestions for Elderly Care:
Case Study of Frail User in Eating Aid Device”, 3rd IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living, London, 2019/3/25
「機械学習ワークショップ設計に向けた高専生の意識調査」、第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会、東京工業大学、Mar. 2019.
「次世代AI人材育成に向けた機械学習ワークショップデザイン」、第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会、東京工業大学、Mar. 2019.
“介護現場の深刻な問題を解決するためのデバイスの改良・開発”, 超異分野学会, リバネス株式会社、東京、2019年3月9日(ポスター発表)
C.Zhang, T.Ohashi, M.Saijo, J.Solis, Y.Takeda, A-L.Lindborg, R.Takeda, and Y.Takeda,
“A Monte Carlo based Computation Offloading Algorithm for Feeding Robot IoT System,” The 3rd International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication, Tokyo, Japan, December 2018.
C.Zhang, T.Ohashi, M.Saijo, J.Solis, Y.Takeda, A.-L.Lindborg, R.Takeda, and Y.Tanaka,
“Design of IoT System for Robotic Assistive Device with Multi-grip Tools and Vision System”, 2018 IEICE Communications Society Conference, No.BS-7-18, September 2018.
Jorge Solis, Miki Saijo,
“Food for Life Project:Robotic assistive device with multi-grip tools and vision system for frail elderly’s independent life”Symposium on Working together for solutions to societal challenges through innovation – Swedishand Japanese academia and industry in collaboration for an active and healthy ageing, Tokyo, Japan, June 13, 2018
“Evaluation of the usability of AT devices for frail elderly people from the aspect of interaction analysis”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017, 5.29), Singapore, Singapore
Takumi Ohashi, Makiko Watanabe, Miki Saijo
“An Interaction Analysis of User-Testing to Extract Salient User Experience with the Robotic Assistive Device Life-Walker”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICGEA 2017, 5.29), Singapore, Singapore
“What information foster the different potential adopters’ intentions to buy EV? “, The 8th International Conference on Green Energy and Applications (ICGEA 2017, 3.25), Singapore, Singapore
“How Can We Facilitate the Diffusion of Electric Vehicles in Japan?”, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Manegement and Information Sharing, pp. , The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS 2016, 11.10), Portugal, Porto
Miki SAIJO, Makiko WATANABE, Takumi OHASHI, Haruna KASU, Tsukagoshi and Ryuta TAKEDA
“How do young researchers take the steps toward startup activities?”, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Manegement and Information Sharing, pp. , The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS 2016, 11.10), Portugal, Porto
Miki SAIJO, Makiko WATANABE, Sanae Aoshima, Norihiro Oda, Matsumoto Satoshi, Shishin Kawamoto
” Knowledge Creation in Technology Evaluation of 4-Wheel Electric Power Assisted Bicycle for Frail Elderly Persons – A Case Study of a Salutogenic Device in Healthcare Facilities in Japan”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pp. 87-97, The 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS 2014), Italy, Rome
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“Community design for active seniors using electric bicycles”, Society for Social Studies of Science and European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, 192(09) (Copenhagen) oral presentation, 2012.10.19
川本思心, 渡邉万記子, 西條美紀
「 高齢者が利用する移動手段に潜在する課題:身体状態に適した電動アシスト自転車普及のための基礎調査」、 日本心理学会76回大会論文集 , p. 1194 日本心理学会76回大会, 専修大学 2012.9.11
「原子力のコミュニケーションデザイン―対話と説得の違いを踏まえて」、原子力学会2012年春の大会(福井大学 2012.3.20)口頭発表
Yuzuru UEDA, Shishin KAWAMOTO, Miki SAIJO, Naoya ABE
“Development of the simplified yield estimation model for self diagnosis support of residential PV systems”, 1th PVSEC (Fukuoka) oral presentation, 2011.11.29
「評議デザイン提案と模擬評議実験:メタコミュニケーションの観点から」、 第12回法と心理学会(名古屋大学 2011.10.2)口頭発表
Shishin KAWAMOTO, Yuzuru UEDA, Toshihiro MUKAI, Naoya ABE, Hiroko OHTSUKA, Miki SAIJO
“PV owners’ knowledge and attitude: difference between public event participants and nonparticipants in Kakegawa, Japan”, 26th EU PVSEC (Hamburg,2011.9.7) poster presentation
「オムニバス授業の相互連関をいかに評価するか──認知ネットワークのベイズ推定による考察」、 第52回数理社会学会(信州大学 2011.9.6-7)口頭発表
「授業アンケートのテキストマイニング―概念ネットワークによる可視化技法」、第50回数理社会学会大会 獨協大学 (2010.9.10)
「太陽光発電システムの自己診断に向けたwebアプリケーションの開発」、平成22年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会 九州大学 (2010.9.1)
「工学系人材に必要なコミュニケーションデザイン能力とは何か」、日本工学教育協会第58回工学・工学教育研究講演会 東北大学 (2010.8.22)
「特定学術・教育組織構成員の科学技術リテラシークラスターの所属傾向」、第7回科学技術社会論学会 pp.80-81 大阪大学 (2008.11.8)
「 科学技術リテラシークラスタ推定に有効な質問項目の検討―少項目による多様なリテラシーの把握―」、 日本心理学会第72回大会 p.152 北海道大学 (2008.9.20)
“Meta-information in a multi-partly conversation in Japanese-based on the data of a review meeting concerning a science cafe held in Hiroshima”, International Conference, Discourse coherence -text and theory Universite’ de Paris (2008.9.18)
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「講義の談話構造と受講者の行動から見た講義理解の方法ー日本語学習者の講義理解に役立つ手がかりの解明を目指してー」、日本語教育学会秋季大会予稿集,pp. 237-249 2006年度 日本語教育学会秋季大会 熊本県立大学 (2006.10)
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「短期ホームステイプログラムにおける日本語学習者とホームステイファミリーとの相互交渉‐質問紙調査の結果から‐」、韓国日本語学会第61回国際学術大会日本語教育国際シンポジウム予稿集 pp.320-325 (2000)
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