M. Kobayashi, T. Washio, R. Nakagawa, H. Kimoto, T. Ohashi, M. Saijo.,
Diversification of agricultural business management: triggers and issues for Japanese dairy farmers, 11th Business & Management Conference, Book of Abstracts of the 11th Business & Management Conference, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (IISES), pp. 19-20, Jan. 2020.
T. Washio, T. Ohashi, M. Saijo.,
Consumers’ Willingness to Purchase High Animal-Welfare Beef Products in Japan: Exploratory Research Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior,11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management,Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management,Vol. 3,pp. 130 – 138,Sep. 2019.
N. Kobayashi, T. Iwasaki, Y. Ito, A-L. Lindborg, T. Ohashi, M. Saijo,
Device Improvement by Video Analysis of User Tests:
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Lalita Haritaipan, Celine Mougenot, miki SAIJO,
How professional designers use magic-based inspirations: development of a usage guideline and analysis of impact on design process, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), Springer, Jan. 2019.
Lalita Haritaipan , miki SAIJO , Celine Mougenot
Impact of technical information in magic-based inspiration tools on novice designers, International Journal of Technology and Design Education (Online first), 1-25, (2018)
Lalita Haritaipan , miki SAIJO , Celine Mougenot
Leveraging creativity of design students with magic based inspirational tools, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2018), 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2018), pp. 265-270, Sep. 2018
Lalita Haritaipan , miki SAIJO , Celine Mougenot
Effect of different visual modalities of magic precedents representation on design creativity, Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition, Jul. 2018
C.Zhang, T.Ohashi, M.Saijo, J.Solis, Y.Takeda, A-L.Lindborg, R.Takeda, and Y.Takeda,
A Monte Carlo based Computation Offloading Algorithm for Feeding Robot IoT System, The 3rd International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication, Tokyo, Japan, 163-171, December 2018.
C.Zhang, T.Ohashi, M.Saijo, J.Solis, Y.Takeda, A.-L.Lindborg, R.Takeda, and Y.Tanaka,
Design of IoT System for Robotic Assistive Device with Multi-grip Tools and Vision System, 2018 IEICE Communications Society Conference, No.BS-7-18, pp. S-62 – S-63, September 2018.
Takumi Ohashi, Makiko Watanabe,Miki Saijo
An Interaction Analysis of User-Testing to Extract Salient User Experience with the Robotic Assistive Device Life-Walker, Proceeding of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2017 (ICRA2017) Workshop on Advances and challenges on the development, testing and assessment of assistive and rehabilitation robots: Experiences from engineering and human science research, pp. 57-59, Singapore, May 2017
Solis, J., Lindborg, A.L., Saijo, M., Takeda, Y., Zhang, C. Takeda, R.
Japan-Sweden Academia-Industry International Collaboration: Challenges in developing a robotic assistive eating device for frail elderly’s independent life, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, RO-MAN 2017 Workshop on The Barriers of Social Robotics take-up by Society, 61-65, Aug. 2017
Lindborg, A.L., Solis, J., Saijo, M., Takeda, Y., Zhang, C. Takeda, R
Robotic assistive device with multi-grip tools and vision system for frail elderly’s independent life, Knowledge Discovery, Proc. of the ICRA2017 Workshop on Advances and challenges on the development, testing and assessment of assistive and rehabilitation robots, 21-22, May. 2017
西條 美紀, 佐藤 大悠
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Miki Saijo, Makiko Watanabe, Sanae Aoshima, Norihiro Oda, Satoshi Matsumoto,Shishin Kawamoto
Elucidating and Creating Working Knowledge for the Care of the Frail Elderly Through User-Centered Technology Evaluation of a 4-Wheel Electric Power Assisted Bicycle: A Case Study of a Salutogenic Device in Healthcare Facilities in Japan, Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Volume 553 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science pp 605-620, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2015)
西條 美紀
総論:日本の構造的な脆弱性に対する備えとしての水素ビジネスエコシステム、水素エネルギーシステム 39(3): 161-164 (2014)
Elucidating Multi-disciplinary and Inter-agency Collaboration Process for Coordinated Elderly Care: A Case Study of a Japanese Care Access Center, Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Volume 454 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science pp 357-369, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013)
Miki SAIJO, Tsutomu SUZUKI Makiko WATANABE and Shishin KAWAMOTO
An Analysis of Multi-disciplinary & Inter-agency Collaboration Process – Case Study of a Japanese Community Care Access Center, KMIS 2013, Short Papers, No.66 : 470-475, Sep. 2013
A survey of scientific literacy to provide a foundation for designing science communication in Japan., Public Understanding of Science, 22(6):674-690, Aug. 2013
Shishin Kawamoto, Minoru Nakayama, Miki Saijo
Using scientific literacy clusters to determine attitudes of participants in scientific events in Japan : potential applications to improving science communication, Journal of Science Communication, 12(1), Mar. 2013
西條 美紀
震災後のエネルギー政策のためのコミュニケーション、環境情報科学 41(3) : 17-24 (2012)
鈴木努, 川本思心, 西條美紀
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Toshihiro MUKAI, Shishin KAWAMOTO, Yuzuru UEDA, Miki SAIJO, and Naoya ABE
Residential PV system users’ perception of profitability, reliability, and failure risk: An empirical survey in a local Japanese municipality., Energy Policy 39(9):5440-5448 (2011)
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