Takumi Ohashi
Takumi Ohashi
Ph.D. in Engineering
Master of Management of Technology
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Research Field
Human-centered Design, Design Process, Cognitive Psychology, Electronic Device.
“Human-centered design” is a method of problem-solving that aims to make systems usable and useful by focusing on the users. While it creates solutions that meet human needs, in recent years, design has taken on greater responsibility. Actually, SDGs are well-known Global Goals that aim to take into consideration their long-term effect on human society and the global environment. For instance, “wicked problems” such as climate change, an aging society, food loss, and lack of quality education access cannot be solved simply by meeting human needs. We engage in transdisciplinary research to scientifically investigate the design process in order to solve “wicked problems” by realizing the preferable future based on socio-cultural trends and cutting-edge technology. Members are encouraged to develop and implement systems/products while working with experts in the actual field while rigorously analyzing the design in order to understand how and why the design process works and fails. We design in a wide variety of domains, including livestock breeding, nursing care, education, and disaster management.
Ph.D. in Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2018
Master of Management of Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2018
Master of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2015
Bachelor of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2014
Associate Degree in Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Nagano College, 2012
Work Experience
Assistant Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology (2018.4-2022.3)
Board member, NPO Pacific Rim International Camp (2016.1 – 2017.12)
President, Student-Run Organization Robogals Tokyo (2015.4 – 2016.3)
Project Director, Japan Bangladesh Sister School Project, sponsored by Tokyo Tech Fund (2014.12 – 2015.3)
Intern, Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, Bangladesh (2013.9 – 2013.12)
Awarded, Interdisciplinary Research Support for Scientists, Tokyo Institute of Technology (2022.3)
Best Paper Award, 12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2021) and the Affiliated Conferences (2021.7)
Tokyo Tech Engineering Teacher Award, Tokyo Institute of Technology (2021.3)
International Collaboration Research Project Encouragement Award, School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology (2019.11)
Young Researcher Award, School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Tech (2018.11)
Outstanding Research and Presentation Award, MOT, Tokyo Tech (2018.3)
Best Presentation Award, The 6th International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science (2017.12)
Best Presentation Award, The 20th Anniversary International Symposium, Honjo International Scholarship Foundation (2017.8)
Best Group Presentation Award, ASPIRE Forum 2017 Student Workshop (2017.7)
Selected as a delegate from Japan, Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar (2015.12)
Student Research Award, Department of Electronics and Applied Physics, Tokyo Tech (2014.10)
Best Poster Award, IEEE EDS Mini-Colloquium: WIMNACT 39 (2014.2)
Tokyo Tech Award for Student Leadership, Tokyo Tech (2013.10)
Special Fighting Spirit Award, National Institute of Technology, Nagano College, (2012.3)
Student Award, IEICE Shinetsu-Chapter (2012.3)